Wednesday 12 March 2008

#2 monster HYDRA

Remember in the movie “Hercules”, the black greenish monster with 9 heads? It is Hydra! Hydra is a very ugly monster with numerous heads. It is gigantic and is a poisonous monster. Every time a head gets cut off, another two heads replace it. Eventually, this horrific monster gets killed by Hercules in its dark marsh.

#3 What qualities would you like to have as a Greek god or goddess?

If i could be a Greek goddess, I would like to have the ability to control free will. In our world, people make dicisions Everyday. If I have the ability to make decisions for others, there would be no desires anymore. For example, if someone says no to my question which should be yes, I will use this ability and make them to change their mind, or dicision. I could manipulate other people to answer things way I want. For my phisical appearance, I want to be look like very tall with pretty red scarf around my neck, blond hair, pretty face, and wear hip- pop style clothes to be comfortable. I know it will look like very abnormal and unbalanced, I like weird stuff.

Sunday 9 March 2008

Entry #1 Greek god Zeus!!


Titans Cronus and Rhea's 12th son was Zeus, who was the youngest son. Cronus was god, so obviously, Zeus was born a god. When he was born, his dad, Cronus, was trying to swallow him like he swallowed many of other siblings. (Poseidon, Hades, Hestia, ext).

But when Rhea realized that Cronus was intended to swallow Zeus, she hid the baby in a cave on Mount Dicte in Crete. And instead of baby, she gave a stone to Cronus to swallow. When he had grown up, Zeus forced Cronus to vomit up his siblings by giving a medicine that makes you throw up. Later on, Titan and Zeus had a big fight, struggle for power. Zeus won the fight; since then, he was the best king of Olympians. Also he was the father of the heroes Perseus and Heracles.

Big similarities between Hercules and Jeus are power, and popularity. Zeus was the God of the sky and thunder. He controlled two scary natural disasters. Hercules had the strongest power in the world. They both have enormous strength. I think because of the power, and appearance (kind of good looking), they were popular to girls. Zeus had several girls, and even after he got married, he was such a flirt. For Hercules, he didn’t play around girls, but lots of girls liked him very much.
Differences between two characters is personality. Zeus is patient, serious, never gives-up, and a wise decision maker. And Hercules is funny, moderate, childish, and responsible.
Two characters personality revealed oppositelty.

Wednesday 5 March 2008


Richard Kwon
Dave An
Danielle Sim
Jane Lee
Jennifer Kim
Sung June Choi

Monday 3 March 2008

My favorit passage

Do you know why books such as this are so important? Because they have quality. And what does the word quality mean? To me it means texture. This book has pores.

This passage is my favorit of all. This quote is when Faber speaks these words to Montag explaining him the importance of the books. He said that it’s not the books themselves that Montag is looking for, it the meaning they contain. Montag was looking for the quality, and professor called it texture, and said details of life, that is authentic experience. People need quality information, enough time to digest it, and freedom to act on what has been learned.

I love this passage, because it shows intellectual of Faber, and I really agreed with that passage. Yes, it’s not the books themselves we are looking for; we are looking for the true meaning. But to get the true meaning, we need good information, and enough time to think over it, and freedom to act out what we learned.

The mood

Mood of overall story is serious, depressing, dark, and sad. As I was reading this, I was thinking if this book includes happy mood at the same time, it would be better. I wasn't happy as I read through. Everything was very serious, I fall asleep sometimes; not because the story is boring, it was because of the mood that this story contains. Except for the part when Clarisse came up, and also the ending, were serious. When Clarisse came up, that made me kind of smile because of strange relationship between her and Montag, and funny words that Clarisse makes. And for the ending it is happy ending, not sad ending. The ending was Guy built the new civilization with group of people who love book.

The Climax

The climax of this story is when the Guy, Montag kills his Captain Beatty.When the fire alarm rang and everyone came to his house, he realized that his wife betrayed him. Of course Captain, and all other people came and found out about hidden book from Montag. Then, Beatty asked him to burn his house by himself, so he has burned his house. Beatty arrested him. Then suddenly, Montag threw flames to Captain and made him die, and burned it away. As soon as he threw that, he ran away as fast as he can with some book in the backyard that he hid.

It gave me most tense, and irony. I didn't expect this at all. Montag killing his Captain is almost impossible. I like this part, because I hated the Captain so much and when Guy killed him I actually felt good;( am i too mean?) I was so surprised for the climax and at that moment to the end, I finished rest of the book without resting.

The Theme

Theme in this book is a Censorship. This book is about books are banned in the future. And there are some reasons and factors why the books are banned in the future. Basically there are 2 factors.

The first one is so many people were interested in entertainment such as television and radio. Bradbury thinks that fast cars, loud music, and ads make up lifestyle interesting, which means there’s no time to concentrate on the book. Everyone loved the ‘parlor’ and the Seashell radios, which was the Montag’s wife’s only hope. She acted like she couldn’t live without radio and the television.

The second factor is that people in that time thinks the books is very useless and not beneficial. Because people thought book will make them more complicated and unhappy.
It was so stressful, wasting of time, fight over something because since they get knowledge from the books they will have more topics to fight over. So the government banned all the books. And all the firemem were working to stop reading books.

This theme is important to a teenager living in 2007. These days, most of the teenagers don’t know how important the books are, they just think it's wasting of time and instead of reading books they do computers. Due to developed technology, people are not that interested in books anymore. But this book, Fehrenheit 451, really tells us importance of the books by telling us serious problems and scary firemen story.

Sunday 2 March 2008

The Main Characters

Mildred Montag

Mildred is the wife of Montag. She is one of the main characters who look like having a very hard time and no hope to live. Everyday she tries to kill herself by taking bottle of pills. She is pretty much insane, and addicted with the pills, and tries to suiside. She is driving Montag crazy, and she also is in great pain. She always watches television without thinking because that way she doesn't need to face her life and take care of it. At the end she betrayed the Guy, by ringing the fire alarm to tell the captain that Montag has books.

I don't like Mildred. It's not because she is crazy or insane, I don’t like her because, and she betrayed Montag, which is her husband. She gave Montag hardships all the times, and in addition to that, how can she betrayed her husband? I can't understand her. She never listens to Montag, and just watches television, and take pills that what she does everyday. She has cold heart, hard to be close and unreadable character of all. I think Mildred reveals to us that even though the life is tough, face it first, or else we are going to be like her.

Guy Montag

Montag is the protagonist of Fahrenheit 451. He is one the fireman, burns books to ashes. He is the husband of Mildred, and he, all the times, wanted to have good relationship with her, but that didn't work out very well. He is often confused, frustrated, and overwhelmed by so many conflicts. He is kind of clumsy, and peculiar towards his goal.

He asks lots of questions to the world to find the truth. He always has curiosity to Find out what is the truth because he felt that something was missing in his life. He began to have questions for meaning in the books that he is burning started from when he met a seventeen-year old girl. He was asking to himself, why should he burn those entire books even though he doesn’t know about anything about a book? He is a very deep thinker. He goes through tough times thinking for himself. He is the character who is totally opposite to word ignorance. And later on, he realizes what the truth about the books is and becomes a book lover.

I like him, because he has very special personality compare to others. He has so many questions like me, I like that part!haha; He acknowledges what is wrong and right, and try to get help from others not like stubborn with himself. The character Montag reveals us that we should try to find the truth of something.!

Captain Beatty

Beatty is the Captain of the firemen, meaning he hates books and also people who read books. But one time, he was really passionated about the books, then as time goes by, he got sick of book, and finally led to an anger. And that anger made him to a fireman. He is very negative thinker, for example, he only thinks the negative points about books, and tells everyone to not read a book. He tells Montag about the history of the firemen, telling him with sarcasm, and anger into him. Betty calls books are the worst thing in the world, however he uses his book to control over Montag.

I don't like this character, because he pretends to control everything with his evil heart. He criticizes the society, and gave people a hard time. He is the starter of all the conflict. Everyone knows that he hates the books but he keeps using sentences or story from the books, that's very shame on him and that's why i don't like him at all!! And this character reveals that there must be a person like evil hearted, the conflict starter, and a stubborn person ends up with death!

Professor Faber

He is a professor Montag met in the park. He loves book, and he understands it very well. So he is against the firemen. He scares of firemen, and he is such a chicken. He helps with Montag planning to be a book lover, meaning that needed lots of times and work. He helped Montag with his smart knowledge, and he was so useful. '

It frustrated me, because he was being coward,who would not speak out against book burning when they still could have stopped it. Neither him, he didn’t like himself being such a chicken. At least he was trying to be brave and gave himself courage. But I liked him because he helped Montag and showed his great knowledge about book. This character reveals that people who can speak out with courage will control over the world.

Clarisse McClellan

She is a wonderful and beautiful 17 year old girl who is very unique from other people and sees the world differently than others. And that special world that she sees attract Montag. She is pure and has a lot of curiosity towards the world. She kicked out from the society because of her strange habbits. For example, playing with flowers, and one time she did something about flower and love and made Montag surprise. Also her family is not normal, they are odd like her, especailly her uncle. She shows Montag beauty of our world, and teaches him different perspective to look at our world.

I love this character so much, because even though she is seventeen, she is very mature, and pure like a flower. She is so much different than other character in this story, she is funny, hopeful, cheerful, and I love way she it is! She is positive thinker and also makes me happy as I read. This character reveals being an optimist and positive thinker is very important to live on the earth.

Entry of my choice

Honestly, I didn’t choose this book at the very first time. It looked very boring with black cover something about fire, I thought. Then I was reading ‘the brave world’. The problem was I couldn’t understand that book at all; it really frustrated me a lot. So I went to library to change my book. Coincidentally, someone was looking at me like do you need any help, and I said I need some kind of book that interests me. Then, he recommended me a book called, ‘Fahrenheit 451’, he was also reading that and told me it’s so much fun compare to The Brave World. I started reading the front page, and it was pretty easy to understand, and the author has very unique type of writing style, and that attracted me. It started with the word ‘burn’, and it was like story telling kind. When I finished my first page, I realized why the title is Fahrenheit451, it was because the main character, name Montag, wears a helmet decorated with the numeral 451 (the temperature at which paper burns). The fire, and burning system made me curious, because I had question, why they burn such a useful book. That was my entry of my choice of Fahrenheit 451.