Monday 3 March 2008

The Theme

Theme in this book is a Censorship. This book is about books are banned in the future. And there are some reasons and factors why the books are banned in the future. Basically there are 2 factors.

The first one is so many people were interested in entertainment such as television and radio. Bradbury thinks that fast cars, loud music, and ads make up lifestyle interesting, which means there’s no time to concentrate on the book. Everyone loved the ‘parlor’ and the Seashell radios, which was the Montag’s wife’s only hope. She acted like she couldn’t live without radio and the television.

The second factor is that people in that time thinks the books is very useless and not beneficial. Because people thought book will make them more complicated and unhappy.
It was so stressful, wasting of time, fight over something because since they get knowledge from the books they will have more topics to fight over. So the government banned all the books. And all the firemem were working to stop reading books.

This theme is important to a teenager living in 2007. These days, most of the teenagers don’t know how important the books are, they just think it's wasting of time and instead of reading books they do computers. Due to developed technology, people are not that interested in books anymore. But this book, Fehrenheit 451, really tells us importance of the books by telling us serious problems and scary firemen story.

1 comment:

noclip said...

didn't read the book
so dunno what the theme is
but i guess you are right
and should help me read the next book